Blessing of families

Words of blessing should surround couples as they embark on life's journey together.

Example 1:

Will the families of _____ & _____ give your blessing to them in their new relationship?  Will you support them with the freedom and love they need?  Will you share your experiences and wisdom with them, and seek to learn from them as well?

We bless and support them.

Example 2:

The marriage of _____ & _____ unites their families and creates and new one.  They ask for your blessing.

We rejoice in your union, and pray God’s blessing upon you.

Example 3:

Having journeyed with  ____ and ____ on their separate paths, and come to witness as their paths merge, will you, the family and friends of these women/men, give your love and bestow upon them your support, counsel, and the gift of listening? Will you be there for them when the days are hard? Will you party with them when times are good? Will you teach them your wisdom and learn from their example? If so, please say (with some enthusiasm), “We will!”


Contributed by Reverend Mary Kraus &  also Greg Morisse from All Whom God Has Joined: Resources for Clergy & Same-Gender Loving Couples, (The Pilgrim Press, Cleveland 2010).

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