Litany of Community Celebration and Solidarity

May the Spirit of God prompt us to live, love and act in ways that more completely embraces the gift of each other.


One: God of Creation, let your light shine on all the inhabitants of this earth that we may know and celebrate that you have formed and created us in life-giving and life-receiving oneness and harmony;

Many: Source of our being, hear our prayer and bless us with your gift of creation.

One: God of Grace, grant us the gift of inward joy and the serenity that comes from being in relationship with you and your creation;

Many: Source of our being, hear our prayer and bless us with your gift of grace.

One: God of Life, open our eyes that we may see the handiwork of your hands and good things in unexpected places that inspire us to celebrate our lives and the sacred ties of kindred, friendship, and love;

Many: Source of our being, hear our prayer and bless us with your gift of life.

One: God of Love, fill our hearts with light and grace and hope that cast out the spirits of fear, anxiety, and division and inspire in each of us a spirit of community, compassion, and selflessness;

Many: Source of our being, hear our prayer and bless us with your gift of love.

One:  God of Justice, endow each of us with a spirit that recognizes the worth, dignity, and equality of all human beings and inspires us to always stand on the side of the poor, the hungry, and the oppressed;

Many: Source of our being, hear our prayer and bless us with your gift of justice.

One: God of Peace, prompt us always to pursue community and reconciliation as we affirm one another in our different religious, cultural, and social beliefs and expressions;

Many: Source of our being, hear our prayer and bless us with the gift of peace.

One: God of mercy, rescue and restore your creation from neglect, violence, and persecution and bring healing and wholeness wherever there is pain and darkness;

Many: Source of our being, hear our prayer and bless us with the gift of mercy.

One: God of Hope, bless us with brave hearts and steady nerves as we speak truth to power and challenge the scourge of hatred, prejudice, and discrimination, and give us the strength to meet the days to come with steadfastness and patience;

All: Source of our being, hear our prayer and bless us with your gift of hope. May we seek always to be united as one family under God committed to being reconciled and standing together in the belief that love and compassion have greater power than hatred and division. In all of your many and holy names we pray.


From The One World Book of Prayer: A Treasury of Prayers from Around the World, compiled by Juliet Mabey, Oneworld Publications, 1999.

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