
Through prayers we welcome the presence and power of God as two lives are united in oneness.


Example 1:

O God, who gives life to all people and meaning to every moment, we pray that _____ & ______ may be faithful to the covenant they have made before us.  May the home they establish be a place of peace and love in which all may share.  May your grace and love be their constant companion as they fulfill their life together.


Example 2:

O Great Creator, we rejoice with _____ & ______.  We thank you for their families and

friends who have helped to shape their lives.  We thank you for the opportunities and

events which challenge them to their life’s work.  We thank you for their ever deepening

relationship and their decision to share the future together.  We pray that we may be

responsible witnesses to them, enabling them to share their lives for the sake of all



Example 3:

God the Eternal keep you in love with each other, so that the peace of Christ may abide in

your home.  Go to serve God and your neighbor in all that you do.  Bear witness to the

love of God in this world so that those to whom love is a stranger will find in you,

generous friends.  The Grace of Jesus the Christ, and the love of God, and the

communion of the Holy Spirit be with you, now and always.


Example 4:

Spirit of God, teaching us through the Lord Jesus that love is the fulfilling of the law, help _____ & _____ to persevere in love, to grow in mutual understanding, and to deepen their trust in each other, that in wisdom, patience and courage, their love may be a source of happiness and their home a place of shalom to all with whom they share it.


Example 5:

May these two people find a communion of ideal being and perfect grace.  May their love reach the level of every day’s quiet need.  By sun and by candlelight may they love freely as people strive for right; may they love purely; may they find the strength to meet the adversities, tolerance for the prejudice, reverence for the beauties, respect for the truths and faith for the uncertainties which will come their way.


Contributed by Reverend Mary Kraus

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