The blessing

A blessing for couples that draws upon their love for each other to extend justice and wholeness to the world around them.


Living God, Creator of Humankind,

Bless N and N as they go their way together

in love and unity of purpose.

Loving Christ, Creator of Compassion,

Bless N and N as they develop their skills

so that their love will bring wholeness  to people.

Refreshing Resilient Spirit, Creator of Vitality,

Bless and encourage them to engage in lively activity

and to seek justice throughout their lives,

to turn disappointment into challenges,

to transform darkness into light,

to root their deeds in the ground that they walk.

Go in Grace

with Confidence

and know Peace.


From Courage To Love: Liturgies for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community, Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd. © 2002 Geoffrey Duncan

Contributed by Geoffrey Duncan

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