Gift of inclusion

Celebrates sexual and gender diversity as a blessing that enriches us all.


We are grateful for the gift of our lives and the gift of

others in our lives.

Each of us is created with dignity and worth.

We are called to love each other and to do nothing to

others that we would find hateful to ourselves.

We honor the many ways that people live and love.

We repent for the times when our faith traditions have

named lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people


Love does not exclude.  We are all worthy.

We suffer when LGBT persons are oppressed, excluded

and shamed by religious people who overlook the

fundamental call to justice in our scriptures.

True justice flourishes when we can live with

authenticity and integrity.

May we work to build a community where LGBT people

are celebrated as full and equal members, recognizing

their many gifts.

We celebrate sexual and gender diversity as a blessing

that enriches us all.

By the Religious Institute. © Religious Institute 2010. Used with permission.

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