We Are All in This Together

A group participation activity using a 6 foot circle of rope illustrates the idea that we are connected to everything on earth. God invites us to care for our planet earth.


Stewardship of the environment, Connectedness, Creation


Bring a piece of rope (about 6–10′ long—the rope should be long enough to form a circle that all participants can hold onto when they stand in a circle; tie the ends of the rope together to make a circle) and an inflatable beach ball that looks like the world or a globe.

What to do and say:

At the start of the story time, have children/participants stand in a circle and hold onto the rope. If needed, recruit a few parents, teens, or other “children” to join the group so you have a full circle. Tell everyone to stand still where they are and not move their feet unless you instruct them to.

• Ask someone tall to hold the rope as high as they can. Other people’s arms should be stretched.) “What does that do to the rest of us when___ holds the rope up so high?” Entertain answers while people’s arms are stretched. Then have people relax their back to a comfortable position.

• Ask someone short to hold the rope as low as they can—maybe even down to the floor. Other people’s arms and backs should be stretched. “What does that do to the rest of us when___ holds the rope so low?” Entertain answers while people’s arms are stretched. Then have people relax back to a comfortable position.

• Ask someone to back up out of the circle while still holding onto the rope. Again, this should stretch other’s arms. “What does that do to the rest of us when___ pulls the rope out of the circle like that?” Entertain answers while people’s arms are stretched. Then have people relax back to a comfortable position.

(Ask participants to sit down and continue the discussion. Show the World Ball or Globe and ask what it is) “The earth is the planet where we live. People live on this planet with all sorts of plants (have children name some plants) and animals (have children name some animals). On this earth we have forests and oceans and icebergs and deserts and mountains and flatlands—it is an amazing place we all share.

“Remember when we were standing in the circle with the rope connecting us? Because Earth is our home, we are connected, in a way, to everything on Earth! We can do some things to our planet Earth here (point to a place on the ball/globe) and it can make a difference to Earth or to living things way over here (point to a place on the other side of the ball/globe). Just like when___pulled the rope way up it stretched all our arms and when __pulled the rope way down it also stretched our arms and backs—we are all connected on this earth.

If we throw all our garbage into the ocean here (point to an ocean on one side of the ball/globe), it can eventually bother the sea creatures living here (point to an ocean on the other side of the ball/globe. As desired, list other simple examples of ways our actions—both positive and negative—can affect creatures and the environment in other places in the world.)

We all live here and need to remember to care for our Earth because it does make a difference.

Contributed by Melany Burrill

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