W. Scott Haldeman, Ph.D.

W. Scott HaldemanScott is Associate Professor of Worship at Chicago Theological Seminary and has served as faculty advisor to the Heyward Boswell Society (the LGBTQ student group on campus) as well as Faculty Liaison to the LGBTQ Religious Studies Center.

Specializing in the history, theology and practice of US Protestant worship, Scott is also interested in the less formal ways human beings ritualize themselves in relation to various categories of identity, such as race/ethnicity, gender and sexuality.

His first book, Towards Liturgies of Reconciliation: Race and Rites among African American and European American Protestants (Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2007), analyzes the role of racism in the development of US Protestant worship.

In queer religious studies, examples of his work include: “A Queer Fidelity: Reinventing Christian Marriage” in Theology and Sexuality 13:2 (Spring 2007), 173-188.; and, “Receptivity and Revelation: A Spirituality of Gay Male Sex” in Marvin Ellison and Sylvia Thorson-Smith (editors), Body and Soul: Rethinking Sexuality as Justice-Love (Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2003), 218-231.

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Eucharistic prayer

And so, following the example of Jesus, we gather at table; we take bread; we bless God by offering our thanks and praise; we break and share the bread.