Prayer of Hope

Prayer affords us the opportunity to strengthen our hope and our resolve for health and wholeness.

God of Hope,

All of us are affected by HIV/AIDS.

At this time of Advent Hope, as we prepare for the coming of your son into the world, we give thanks for signs of hope.

For growing understanding,

For medical advances,

For changing attitudes and behavior,

For greater awareness and concern in your church.


God of Unity, bind us together with strong ties of love,

That this church community may be a place where all can find acceptance.

May it be a place of welcome for all affected by HIV/AIDS.

May it be a place where care is given and received, especially for affected children and youth.

Where stories are told and heard,

Where fear is overcome by love,

Where you are to be found.



Adapted from the Diakonia Council of Churches in South Africa.

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