Eucharistic prayer

And so, following the example of Jesus, we gather at table; we take bread; we bless God by offering our thanks and praise; we break and share the bread. 



As [the two disciples] came near the village to which they were going, [Jesus] walked ahead as if he were going on. But they urged him strongly, saying, “Stay with us, because it is almost evening and the day is nearly over.” So he went in to stay with them. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight.

(Luke 24:28-31)

And so, following the example of Jesus, we gather at table; we take bread; we bless God by offering our thanks and praise; we break and share the bread. And as we do so, we hope—no, we expect—our eyes to be opened that we might recognize the risen Christ in our midst.

And so, friends, prepare to approach the table, to taste life abundant, to drink of joy and promise, to receive vision and dream dreams of the New Age of justice and peace that is surely coming—that is now, right now, already at hand.

So, come to the feast—no matter who you are or where you may be on life’s journey. You are welcome here. And you can expect to be changed as bread is broken and wine is poured, as the loaf is eaten and the cup is emptied!

Prayer of Thanksgiving

And Jesus said: When you are praying do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

Pray then in this way:

Our Father in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Your kingdom come.

Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors.

And do not bring us to the time of trial but rescue us from the evil one.

(Matthew 5:7-13)

And so we pray in this way:

Hallowed are your many names, O God—

Father, Mother, Friend and Lover;

Breath of Life;

Maker of Heaven and Earth,

Creator of all things bright and beautiful, great and small;

Sustainer of the Universe;

Fount of Every Blessing;

Source of Compassion, Mercy and Hope;

Welcome without condition,

Justice without law,

Gift without recompense …

Love itself!

Hallowed are your names!

We thank you for life; we praise you for breath; we lean upon your everlasting arms—for in your arms are comfort, solace, tenderness—as in the arms of the father who waits upon the prodigal though he must surely be dead, who runs to embrace the one who has been lost despite his disobedience.

We thank you for all that is; we praise your mystery; uncontainable are you, unfathomable are your thoughts—for, with you, in heaven there is the sure promise of renewal, transformation and grace, there is more justice, more mercy, more glory than we can think or imagine, more than our feeble efforts can make here on earth—thy will be done!

We thank you for purpose; we praise you for the path of righteousness on which you lead us—for in your will is vision, assurance and hope. Guide us still that the face of the earth be renewed, that your long-expected kingdom flourish, and that all flesh may see it together.

We thank you for your providence; we praise you for all the good gifts you have already given—for bread, yes, and for roses too; for sustenance and shelter, for meaningful work and membership in your family, for varieties of gifts and varieties of callings.

We thank you for your unending mercy; we praise you for your continuing forgiveness—for, receiving mercy, we can show mercy, washed clean we can welcome others to living waters, your ever-flowing stream of grace and justice.

We thank you for your constant presence; we praise you for your guiding light—for in your paths we find joy, another way in which we might walk— avoiding temptation, shunning the false comfort of smooth but dead-end roads.

We thank you, most of all, for Immanuel; we praise you for sending us Love itself in Flesh—for, in Jesus, we have seen and touched and tasted and smelled and heard you—your good news, your great commission, your welcome without condition, your justice without law, your gift without recompense.

And so attend to us this day, send your spirit to move among us—make of this bread a holy meal, make of this cup a taste of salvation, make of this gathering a body strengthened for service to the world, full of compassion, hospitality and grace.

And so, in Jesus’ name and to his glory, we break this bread, and share it. Open our eyes, refresh our spirits, let us taste how good you really are—and may your kingdom come, may your will be done—before us, among us, by us—now and forever.


Delivered at Edgebrook Community Church. 

Contributed by W. Scott Haldeman, Ph.D.

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