How to Invite Church Leaders to the LGBT Justice Table

Join us June 4 – Learn new ways to open respectful dialogue with those who hold different perspectives.

In the heat of the debate over marriage equality in DC, Rev. Harmon invited pastors who had spoken on other justice issues to publicly support marriage equality. His skill in helping them make the connection–and filling in the gaps so they felt prepared to go public with their new understanding–enabled the DC Council to pass marriage equality with the support of African American clergy.

  • Wondering how to introduce the topic?
  • Concerned that others won’t be receptive?
  • Is this really about justice?

In our June dialogue, Rev. Cedric Harmon will lead us in considering  how to approach others.

The call to do justice and love mercy is for all of us and includes a range of issues. Join in the discussion as we find the words to share how faith is the foundation of the love and support that we express for our gay and transgender members and friends.


June 4, 2013
2:00 – 5:00 pm


The Fellowship Hall
Nineteenth Street Baptist Church
4606  16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20011

Church is located between Buchanan and Crittenden Streets, NW
Parking behind the church


This session is free.
At the end of the session, a free-will offering will be collected.


Please register here so we can prepare appropriately with food and drinks.

Please don’t miss this opportunity to dialogue confidentially with your peers in ministry. There’s so much to learn, and Many Voices offers a safe space.