Here we acknowledge with gratitude all those who have given generously to Many Voices. It is only with our fearless family of donors that Many Voices can offer the powerful resources in this website; the mentoring, coaching and educational events for pastors and members of Black churches; the public work to make clear the extent of Black church support for LGBT justice.
Your dollars go a long way because so many of those who are bringing about this movement are volunteering their time and expertise.
We’re grateful to our foundation partners for their generosity in helping Many Voices get to this point and their continuing commitment as we move forward:
E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation
Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
H. van Ameringen Foundation
Aquila Fund of RSF Social Finance
And to Many Voices’ generous 2016 individual donors and donors from our events:
Cleis Abeni *
William Aldridge, Jr.
Esperanza Anderson
Station House Apartments
Kevin Banks
Karen Barr
Carey Bayer
Laurie Berry-Dorroh
Ruth P Boyer
Maggie Ruth Boyer
Keayr Braxton
Martha Brown *
LaShawne Bryant
Shirley Clay
Ann and David Cook *
Countess Cooper *
DeWayne Davis
Niki Davis
Randa Dean
Jan Du Plain
Ikay Enu
Uche Ezeonyim
Ginny Finch
Darlene Garner *
Joan Garrity
Gregory Gerald
Lea Gilmore *
Letitia Gomez *
Sharon Groves
Gwendolyn Gurily
Marcia Hall
Cedric A Harmon *
Leah Harris
Lessie Henderson *
Galit Higgins
Sean Hollingsworth
Sherwood Holloway *
Candy Holmes
Lorilyn Holmes
Karen Holvik
Stephanie Howard
Margee Iddings *
Tammy Jimines
Katherine Johnson
Betty Johnson
Sareta Jones-Adenaike
Davina Julot
Bernita Kane
Martin Kane
Karen Kavey
Jennifer Kerby
Mary Kraus
Jennifer Leath
S. Lewis
Pamela Lightsey *
Carolyn Long *
David Luck
Joan M. Martin, Ph.D.
Luca Maurer
Angela Maves
Alex McNeill
Melissa McQueen
Jackie Middleton
Robin Montgomery
Kiana Moore
Diedre & Shannon Mouton Gray
Bro. Frank O’Donnell
Samuel Offer
S.B. Osofsky
Wayne Pawlowski
Elizabeth Pierce
Agnes Powell
Lolita Ratchford
Helen Ryde *
Adam Samuels
Gay Shorter
Vondalyn Simmons
Lisa Simms
Alicia Skillman
Teresa Smalllwood *
Veronica Smith-Christian
Donna Sokol
Carlynn Spring
St Paul’s UMC
Stephanie Stilson
Karen Sweetland *
Justin Tanis
Robin Tarver
David Taylor
Marlene Terrell
Wilhemina Terrell
Quintina Walker
Joseph Ward
Jamie Washington *
Akia Weaver
Sika Wheeler
Norma Whisnant
Tobin White *
Christian White
Jennifer Whitmore
Maxine Williams
Carlethia Willis
Tess Wolgemuth
Barbara Yearwood
KanKan Yu